Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wilton 710-1148 Colorburst Batter Bits, Purple

Get the best deal for Wilton 710-1148 Colorburst Batter Bits, Purple is becoming hot. This best product is now available, you might purchase it right now for only $0.00 and often ships within a single day.

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Buy Wilton 710-1148 Colorburst Batter Bits, Purple best deal. Top deals available for you on Wilton Colorburst Batter at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.

Item Info

Wilton Colorburst Batter Bits adds lots of color fun to a standard cake mix. Use more or less to add the color you want. Try mixing colors to create your own exciting look. Lightly fold Batter Bits into batter after mixing and bake as directed. These fun flecks bake right in.

Strong Feat

  • Bright bursts of color add a surprise to the inside of cakes or cupcakes
  • Try mixing other Wilton Colorburst Batter Bits to create your own exciting look
  • Directions for adding batter bits to batter are included right on the packaging
  • Wilton Colorburst Batter Bits come in a variety of colors
  • One package is needed for a standard size cake

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