On sale now for OIL CANDY COLOR - RED .65 Ounce Oil Candy Coloring is becoming hot. This cool OIL CANDY COLOR is now on sale, you might buy it right now for only
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Purchase OIL CANDY COLOR - RED .65 Ounce Oil Candy Coloring deal. lowest price is presented for you on OIL CANDY COLOR at Best prices. Search for lowest prices.
Product Info
Everyone knows that oil and water don''t mix. So if you want to color chocolate you can''t use gel paste or airbrush colors as they are water based! AmeriColor oil candy colors are specially formulated to work with high fat products like white and dark chocolate. They are also perfect for compound chocolate (candy melts, chocolate wafers). To use, melt your chocolate as you usually do. Squeeze out the color a small amount at a time and mix it in until you get the desired shade. If your chocolate gets too thick to work with, you may need to add a small amount of paramount crystals, or- some people use a small amount of shortening to thin the chocolate. If you want to color chocolate and don''t have candy colors or need a special color, use AmeriColor Flo Coat. With this product you can melt your chocolate, cover it with a thin layer of flo coat (5 parts of Flo-Coat to 1 part of Soft Gel Paste) and then place your soft gel paste color on top of the layer of flo coat.
Factor Benefits
- AmeriColor oil candy colors are specially formulated to work with high fat products chocolate
- They are also perfect for compound chocolate (candy melts, chocolate wafers).
User Opinions
would not recommend
amy g martin
amy g martin
Did not work! Used entire bottle and looked like Pepto Bismal not red and then machine wouldnt run as chocolate seemed to thicken. Will just use regular colored chocolate from now on. Machine worked great with nothing added to chocolate.
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