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Purchase SKY BLUE SOFT GEL PASTE 4.5 OZ Cake Decorating top product. Deals available for you on SKY BLUE SOFT at Discounted prices. Get for lowest deals.
Product Information
Soft Gel Paste represents a completely new approach to food color formulation, delivering superior results over conventional food colors, especially when coloring icings and whipped toppings. Soft Gel Paste will color bread dough, cookie dough, cake batter, whipped toppings and icings, buttercream icing, royal icing, rolled fondant, gum paste, marzipan and compound coating. Use your imagination! Soft Gel Paste will color just about everything you need to color!
Strong Feat
- It will not separate or week and does not harden
- Soft Gel Paste is packaged in convenient squeeze bottles with a flip-top lid
- By mixing and measuring using "drops" of Soft Gel Paste, you can achieve precise, easy-to-repeat colors every time
- Soft Gel Paste will not run with the moisture caused by condensation during defrosting
- Soft Gel Paste will not break down icings or piping gel, especially the more delicate whipped non-dairy toppings
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