Get the best deal for AmeriColor Set of 12 Soft Gel Paste Food Color 4.5 Ounce Bottles is now hitting the market. This cool item is currently available, you can buy it this moment for just
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Order AmeriColor Set of 12 Soft Gel Paste Food Color 4.5 Ounce Bottles deal. Deals is presented for you on AmeriColor 12 Soft at Best prices. Find for best prices.
Product Description
AmeriColor™ Soft Gel Paste™ represents a completely new approach to food color formulation delivering superior results over conventional food colors especially when coloring icings and whipped toppings. Colors include Super Black, Royal Blue, Sky Blue, Lemon Yellow, Leaf Green, Orange, Deep Pink, Violet, Super Red, Teal, Chocolate Brown, Fuschia
Factor Benefits
- Superior coloring strength over any other food color- use much less!
- Will not separate or weep and won't harden- perfect for frozen goods!
- Use in the more delicate non-dairy whipped icings and toppings- they won't break down!
- Get a consistent color batch after batch
- Certified Kosher, FDA approved
User Opinions
Sooo worth it
I love that this set was such a value. I may have to order another set soon! A def. Buy.
Amazing value!
custom caker
custom caker
Americolor gel pastes of this size are typically no less than $5 each. 12 bottles at this price was fantastic. I don't by any other brand anymore.
Great Product!
Linda Kaas
Linda Kaas
This gel paste does a great job of coloring your icing without having to use too much of it. Best of all, it leaves no nasty aftertaste like those little plastic vials of gel coloring that you buy in a craft store. This is the only gel coloring that I will buy in the future!
Rating: 5 8 reviews
Key: Set 12 Soft, AmeriColor Set 12, AmeriColor 12 Soft, AmeriColor Set Soft